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Do you know what 80% Internet is made up of? Do you think Internet is as shallow as Google?

Well then, we provide you with one more Myth Busting information.

The Deep Web is reported to have 80% of the whole Internet. Just like the Universe, we have only viewed a small part of the Internet too.

The Deep Web or hidden web is the part of the World Wide Web which is not found by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. It is approximated to have 80% of the whole web, but according to the recent reports, it is increased up to a figure of 95%.
It includes everything such as online banking, video on demand and even Wikipedia. Michael K. Bergman is credited for the name "Deep Web".

According to Experts, Deep Web has its origin in "Stanford university" as well as the "MIT", one of the most prestigious institutes worldwide. It was started back in the 70's or 80's, thus Deep Web is almost as old as the Internet itself.

Deep Web cannot be accessed through normal browsers, you need special browsers like TOR to access it. DeepPeep, Intute, Deep Web Technologies, Scirus, and are also some of the browsers who can help you browse the Deep Web. However, TOR was developed to protect the US Intelligence information from being available publicly. Deep Web is 400 to 550 times bigger than the Internet. Deep web consists of about 7.5 petabytes of data.

Dark Web is another part of Deep Web where you can find all anonymous and private data that is inaccessible. This is the private web which requires login and passwords to use data.

Some deep web aspects:-
  1. It can host command-and-control infrastructure for malware such as cryptolocker.
  2. There are a number of high-profile online outlets for drugs and other services, they provide home delivery options too.
  3. A lot of sellers are claiming to offer fake citizenship documents and passports, and other "professional services," like assassinations too.
  4. Good people use the deep and dark web, such as journalists or people who live in sensitive countries.


